
emotions running plentiful...

several things...one, i just finished the novel p.s. i love you. i haven't seen the movie yet and heard the book was better and now i can't wait to see the movie. i cried maybe, 1o times! what a book. it's my biggest fear: losing someone you don't want to even think about living without. i'll stop now so i don't start up again...yesterday the family celebrated my aunt and uncle's fortieth wedding anniversary. my uncle rented a big 'ol suite with the most beautiful view of the city. the piano man set the mood grandly and it was nice to enjoy everyone. love was in the air... i just received my dress green etsy purchases. hello christmas shopping! i could browse art on etsy forever and a day...of course that's where i found the prints up and below. something about birds i tell you. it's the flying. lucky devils.


"Wild Garden"

(Left to Right)

"Lovely Bird Design"
"Little Sparrows"

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