
loving spring...

ahhhh spring... i just love spring. everything comes back to life and pow, green's back with a vengeance, ready to beautify! so it's time for my lovely someone to age another year and it's time for the city to fiesta itself out and it's time for the flowers to bloom....and, how can i forget, it's almost time for school to be out and oh so close to summertime! i just want to be outside....with the trees and the breeze and the yellow bumble bees!! tony and i have been hitting the local garden centers and getting our green thumbs on... here our some of our lovely green additions...
my green thumbness is really being put to the test with my zinnias being grown from seeds...i'm crossing my fingers!!

tony and i got our hike on at government canyon...a 3 hour hike as a matter of fact...30 more minutes and i think we would have been food for the vultures! there's my honey getting me some water...and below that at a bridge over the san antonio river in king william during fiesta....

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